We are pleased to announce that the new DATEX …

DATEX II in Iceland

The Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) has as …

One of the EU delegated regulations complementing the ITS Directive …

Since January 2019, the NPRA (Norwegian Public Roads Administration) …

What should be well understood in the DATEX II specification environment is that …

The European DATEX II community has decided to align …

We are pleased to share that there is now …

As part of the last DATEX II Steering Group …

Do you want to know what’s true and what’s …

One of the sessions at the 2019 Digital Transport …

Parts 4 (VMS) and 5 (Measured and elaborated data) …

With the collaboration of DATEX II and the C-Roads …

We are happy to announce that DATEX II will …

D2Light upgrade

We are happy to announce an upgrade to D2Light! …

The 2018 DATEX II Forum concluded with the “Declaration …


We are looking forward to attending the ASECAP Days …

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